Ok, so one of my last blog posts wasn't super positive. I was having a very hard time with things but that is going to change. Although things are still pretty rough I am going to speak positivity into existence! Wait...
First, I'm going to pour myself some coffee...
*grabs cup. Pours creamer into cup. Pours coffee into cup. Scampers back to bed in underwear and raccoon slippers. Spills a little coffee while jumping into bed. Wipes it up with hand.*
So, even though our furnace broke, we ended up getting some space heaters to heat the bedrooms. The one for our room is from the 50's and we were super nervous about that because it didn't seem the most safe, but it heats this room like AMAZINGLY! To the point where our house is 49 degrees right now but this room is so warm I can comfortably sit in underwear and nothing else. Anyone who knows me knows that being cold is probably #1 on the list of things I hate! That being said, I'm pretty happy right now that I'm nice and toasty in bed and was all night long!
Totally different note, I talked to my oncologist the other day who informed me that the cancer could have spread to my lymph nodes. He ordered a CT scan of my head and neck to double check. GOOD news is, he didn't feel anything on the outside. Also good news is if it did spread, he feels confident that he can just remove my lymph nodes as well. Which sounded to me like he feels pretty confident that surgery alone can get rid of this. My surgery is set for November 3rd so please keep me in your thoughts. I am super nervous because I actually have to be put to sleep for this one. Actually I asked his assistant if I was going to be put to sleep and she said "....yes...." Like I was crazy! lol I told her that I was awake for the last one and she said, "You mean to tell me that you had a tumor removed from your jaw and you were awake?!" I said, "Yep, I actually even held my lip down the whole time so the surgeon could focus more on removing it than pinching my lip with the scissors!" She was amazed... apparently that is like, unheard of haha...
Swollen face 2 days after surgery ^^
So yeah, being put to sleep is scary for me. I had my wisdom teeth removed before and I remember panicking when I started feeling light headed so my last memory before waking up was crying and saying "I feel funny..." Oh but the stories of my waking up were hilarious!!! That shall be a different blog post!
Ok, now a separate portion of my blog where I want to show some love to some girls on here who have made me feel SO incredibly welcome to the SG site!
@hensely --- I met Hensely through a thread post where us hopefuls (and I think maybe the Suicide Girls too) text each other titty pics! Haha... yeah, we have fun! This girl is not only gorgeous on the outside, but she's an amazing person on the inside as well! It has been very easy for me to just text her and chit chat! And no, not even just about boobies! Lol!
@bindi--- Bindi is the first girl to really reach out to me and want to get together! She's not far from me so that makes things pretty cool, but I love that she is so friendly! She even invited me out when a friend of hers was coming to town and if I didn't have that fashion show (and ended up getting sick) I totally would have driven to see her! She rocks!
@verde--- She's awesome! Not only did she give me some amazing words of encouragement but she also helped me out by explaining what a shootfest was and how to find one in my area! Now I'm actually a part of one being planned and I can't wait to get more details about it!!! :D Thanks girl!
And one more, although I haven't gotten to know her super well yet, I'm really happy for her today!!! @hex --- SHE MADE IT PINK! You go girl! I'm so happy for you! Your set was awesome so it was only a matter of time before you made it! :D I wish you the best of luck as an official Suicide Girl!! <3
If your name is not on here, I mean no offense. My brain doesn't function well sometimes and I forget a lot. If we continue talking I guarantee you'll be in future blog posts! <3 So much love for everyone, I seriously am so happy to be on this site filled with amazing people!
Farewell for now! <3