baby muscles ^^
What's up guys?!
So today I decided to get on it and do my blog homework. The topic was what is my confidence boosting secret weapon and it has been many things over the years but I recently truly found it! @rambo @missy
When I was younger, my confidence booster used to be alcohol. Ok, I can't even say when I was younger... Like, last week... But I used to drink and feel invincible and be able to talk to whoever I wanted. But at the end of the day, when I would go home at night, I was lonely. And I didn't believe a single person who told me I was beautiful.
But I recently started working out and started a fitness routine. HOLY FUCK did that totally change how I view myself! First of all, I feel so much better. I have been eating healthy and my total depression has been decreasing by the day. I have more energy, and I just feel more like myself. Not to mention, I have my It Works! products that I have been using and already notice a difference! I look at myself and actually feel beautiful. It was crazy, I looked at myself in the mirror the other day and started to cry happy tears because I thought, "Wow this is the first time in YEARS where I actually looked at myself in the mirror and saw myself as a beautiful person!"
I feel good, and I started an entire workout plan to help me reach my goals and build the muscle I want to build. No I'm not looking to become a body builder, but being toned and strong would be amazing!! Today is back and biceps. Yesterday was chest. The main thing I'm looking to do is get my booty nice and round!
But yeah, that is me rambling on about how working out and eating healthy has become my secret weapon to boost my confidence!
Oh and this doesn't mean I quit drinking... I'm not at that level yet lol!