Here I stand.
Waiting, patiently...
for your out-stretched hand
to fall at my feet.
Maybe, if you tell me
that you love me,
I could find a hand to lend...
No. It won't change a thing.
I like you where you are.
On one quivering knee.
When graced by the presence
of an angel,
pray that you may be blessed again...
Here I stand.
Watching, hopefully...
as your tear-streaked cheeks
press against my feet...

Waiting, patiently...
for your out-stretched hand
to fall at my feet.
Maybe, if you tell me
that you love me,
I could find a hand to lend...
No. It won't change a thing.
I like you where you are.
On one quivering knee.
When graced by the presence
of an angel,
pray that you may be blessed again...
Here I stand.
Watching, hopefully...
as your tear-streaked cheeks
press against my feet...

I like it. Nicely done.