Due to a lack of funds, my addition to my sleeve has been post-poned until possibly October...
...here's to hoping! At least I still have Jerry.

I just dug this, along with other little "poems", up out from under my bed...

"Miss You"

If I close my eyes
I can pretend you
are here.
I can pretend I
can kiss you.

We don't say goodbye.
And you will always
be near.
And so I will never
miss you.

Oct. 19th, 2008

...not sure if I was ever cut out for poetry....
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Alright, top 5 songs this week:

1. "Coming Home" - City And Colour
2. "Knife Party" - Deftones
3. "Paper Tiger" - Dry Kill Logic
4. "Alone With The Sea" - Hurt
5. "Pictures In The Gold Room" - Chimaira

Give them a listen and let me know if my taste rocks or sucks.
I love city and colour!
I'm proud to announce i have scheduled an appointment for the next part of my sleeve.

It's gonna be a big one. Keep an eye out.

What does everybody think about Korn's new one?
This week in review...

Started out strong with a date planned on Friday. Dinner for two. Left nothing to do but work and relax with friends.

Work work work. Knocked Monday, Tuesday right out. Wednesday finished up early and left time for some catching up with family. Thursday got knocked out.
Friday we bust ass so I may get off early and make the date,...
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K. Top 5 songs this week...

1. "Oildale (Leave Me Alone)" - Korn
2. "Nutshell" - Alice In Chains
3. "Touch, Peel and Stand" - Days Of The New
4. "Blanket Of Ghosts" - Dustin Kensrue
5. "This Night Is The Coroner's" - And Hell Followed With

...listen and enjoy. Also, tell me what you think of these tunes... skull
Hmm...Alice In Chains and Days Of The New or This Or The Apocalypse and Corpus Christi?
i stay with alice kiss
Yeah. That's what I went with. smile