ah, the holidays.... i've told family and friends that i won't be buying christmas gifts this year, and i do not want anything in return. not to come off as snobby or depressed about this (which i'm not) i'm at a point where don't see the need to give or receive stuff. this christmas should be about surrounding yourself with the people you love. enjoying the season for other reasons besides material things.
my life in a nutshell- an amazing boyfriend, cold weather, cats, coffee, lots of food, and a ton of writing for finals the next couple of weeks.
I saw twilight opening night. it was disappointing.
it had the potential to be so much better than it was. all of the characters were great, except bella. that girl who played her was awful, just awful. plus, the directing was bad. what was with all of those flashbacks? edward was perfect! he looked and acted just like i had imagined him when i read the book! i know i will be seeing new moon when its out, i can still hope that it will be better now that most of the explaining of the vampire world is out of the way. god i am such a nerd.
my life in a nutshell- an amazing boyfriend, cold weather, cats, coffee, lots of food, and a ton of writing for finals the next couple of weeks.
I saw twilight opening night. it was disappointing.

Hey, I agree with your holiday sentiments.
totally agree about Christmas. It's an important holiday for me but all the meaning gets lost in the crowded parking lots and cranky shoppers. It's supposed to be a day about being selfless somewhere along the way it became the exact opposite.