"A normal man, given a group photograph of school girls, and asked to point out the loveliest one, will not necessarily choose the nymphet among them. You have to be an artist. A madman. Full of shame and melancholy and despair in order to recognize the little deadly demon among the others. She stands unrecognized by them, unconscious herself of her fantastic powers."
-lolita (the jeremy irons one)
i love that quote.
busy busy little bee ive become. 3 classes 5 times a week plus work. although i managed to squeeze in some boyfriend time this week. hes so perfect. i must be dreaming.
-lolita (the jeremy irons one)
i love that quote.

busy busy little bee ive become. 3 classes 5 times a week plus work. although i managed to squeeze in some boyfriend time this week. hes so perfect. i must be dreaming.
Im sad yours hasnt gotten much love lately. I love your last set. it was stunning.
Ohh!! i have a great set Idea too! Ive had it for a while, but sense I may be moving up to the seattle area maybe it would be possible to complete now. You would HAVE TO be involved in it. But ill keep it as a secret for now