Some asshole killed our baby tabby kitten
my boyfriend found her this morning. crushed to death under the couch.
i don't live there anymore. if i did, this would not have happened.
he just got back from work this morning and found her there. his room mate and his friends are a bunch of fucking drunk selfish jerks. i've cried so hard i need to throw up.
she was the sweetest one.
goodbye little baby, you'll be missed more than you could have ever known.

my boyfriend found her this morning. crushed to death under the couch.
i don't live there anymore. if i did, this would not have happened.
he just got back from work this morning and found her there. his room mate and his friends are a bunch of fucking drunk selfish jerks. i've cried so hard i need to throw up.

she was the sweetest one.
goodbye little baby, you'll be missed more than you could have ever known.
that's awful. I'm really sorry.
Maybe they should have something of theirs crushed as payback....