Winter is finally here in Southern California. I was so sick of the hot sunny weather!! I'm going fishing soon and I can't wait.
I've slowly traveled across the country from NYC these past two years...I like to say that it's an ongoing research project in the different weather patterns, culture, and how people celebrate holidays.

Last year was the chapter on Central California winters by the ocean...

This year it looks like a chapter on So-Cal High Desert winters...Let's hope y'all do new years better than Monterey!

I have all kinds of things to say, but if i say em here people might read them...
Ehh...Jager was not my friend this weekend. puke
Aw. Hope you're feeling better... Our party went great... We had over 700 people through the doors of our Hellhole. Thanks so much for helping us make the party great. kiss
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever understand people.

Maybe I need therapy...but then again...I actually think that may be a good thing.
So spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday on Lake Mead in Nevada. Seriously, it was amazing. So relaxing and the weather was super nice.

Even thought I hit a big goose egg with the fishes, I still had fun.

Now it is back to reality but all I wanna do is go fishing again.

Oh and I wanna get tattooed.

"The definition of insanity is doing...
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A good night consists of horror movies, pizza and a bottle of jack. Anyone care to join me? skull
why do i suck?
I think I have finally come to the conclusion that I deserve better and more. Yeah...I am a bit grumpy but I will be ok. I think I need a good dose of Jack and I will be fine.