So I finally decided to renew my account. I didn't see the point in renewing it at first but then I pretty much said fuck it.
*New job is going really well. Hours kick ass. Travis is really cool and I work with good people.
*Still living at Dad's but I found a really nice apartment in Fullerton but I want to save for all this Crate & Barrel furniture before I move.
*Tattoo shop is good. Just got a sick bat tattooed on my foot. That neumatic machine kicks ass!
*Met a boy. He is amazing.
Yeah that about sums it up
*New job is going really well. Hours kick ass. Travis is really cool and I work with good people.
*Still living at Dad's but I found a really nice apartment in Fullerton but I want to save for all this Crate & Barrel furniture before I move.
*Tattoo shop is good. Just got a sick bat tattooed on my foot. That neumatic machine kicks ass!
*Met a boy. He is amazing.
Yeah that about sums it up