Work was slow today so we all looked up shit online.
I will marry WHOEVER takes me here for a couple days.
Its a completely underwater hotel. This one I believe is in the bahama's.
Its $1,500 a night. Wont be finished till 2010. Any takers
I'm going to be baking myself to a doughy stuper soon. Since I dont have money to get people xmas gifts I shall bake them goodies. I'll post pics in a couple days.
On a sexier note this lovely hopeful and I have decided we want to shoot a multi set together:
Hope everyone's holiday isnt stressful.
I'm mentally exhausted trying to consider everything I need for my big move in with Coralee and physically exhausted from packing and taking things over there here and there.
It'll all be over soon and then I'll be happy and situated with my awesome roommates! <3
Scarekrow is the shit.