My Thanksgiving was kinda boring. but hey i got to see my aunt and uncle and i really like them it was just depressing listening to my mom talk to my aunt about my grandfather's unknown depression problem. Seriously? Its Thanksgiving cant we just smile and talk about the living?
anywas this is me being bored

lol oh man...
we were watching slide shows of my dad as a kid which was adorable at first but after like 1,000 photos of just buildings and sky i started to slide down in my chair.
and i was bored again on the car ride home listening to my mother's "jesus music" and my right headphone had broken. D:

on a more awesome note i figured out what i want as my next tattoo!
Since I am named Skulli it OBVIOUSLY means I have a LOVE for thte X Files. In the episode "Never Again" (one of my top 3 faves) Scully ventures into a tattoo parlor becomes intruiged and gets herself a tramp stamp lol. But it is probably the best tattoo that I could think of right now because of two good reasons
1) it means hope and despair. my life summed up into a nutshell
2) its scully! i literally worship the x files and obtained the name Skulli many years ago from an old friend of mine. So when i put in my application to become an SG i thought about it and said I HAVE to name myself Skulli Suicide if I ever get accepted.
I want it in the same spot she got hers. middle of her lower back. although i would like it larger than how she got hers. here it is

I couldnt find the exact one so I must thank my friend James aka THE Awesome for spending sometime in various search engines looking for the exact one. THANKS DUDE!
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I'm excited my payday is coming up. I want this ink asap
My xmas present to myself
ok so I've noticed other people giving mad props to different hopeful sets and since I myself am a hopeful I thought I would continue the train and give some props to some ultra beauties that I would like to see go Live! Here they are!





Lollique I must comment that I'm in love with this lady





All these girls are yummy! Best of luck ladies!!
anywas this is me being bored

lol oh man...
we were watching slide shows of my dad as a kid which was adorable at first but after like 1,000 photos of just buildings and sky i started to slide down in my chair.
and i was bored again on the car ride home listening to my mother's "jesus music" and my right headphone had broken. D:

on a more awesome note i figured out what i want as my next tattoo!
Since I am named Skulli it OBVIOUSLY means I have a LOVE for thte X Files. In the episode "Never Again" (one of my top 3 faves) Scully ventures into a tattoo parlor becomes intruiged and gets herself a tramp stamp lol. But it is probably the best tattoo that I could think of right now because of two good reasons
1) it means hope and despair. my life summed up into a nutshell
2) its scully! i literally worship the x files and obtained the name Skulli many years ago from an old friend of mine. So when i put in my application to become an SG i thought about it and said I HAVE to name myself Skulli Suicide if I ever get accepted.
I want it in the same spot she got hers. middle of her lower back. although i would like it larger than how she got hers. here it is

I couldnt find the exact one so I must thank my friend James aka THE Awesome for spending sometime in various search engines looking for the exact one. THANKS DUDE!
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I'm excited my payday is coming up. I want this ink asap

My xmas present to myself

ok so I've noticed other people giving mad props to different hopeful sets and since I myself am a hopeful I thought I would continue the train and give some props to some ultra beauties that I would like to see go Live! Here they are!





Lollique I must comment that I'm in love with this lady





All these girls are yummy! Best of luck ladies!!

p.s you're beautiful