Its Time For A Randomness Blog!
gee i'm in love with these things.
First note of randomness.
I was at work on monday night and a HUGE i mean HUGE centipede ran across the floor. I screamed and jumped up on Dr.Ball's desk like the little pussy I am. My co worker Amy picked it up in a napkin and tried showing it to me and guess what? the fucker fell. again. I'm up on the desk. Meanwhile James is laughing his ass off at me. Ugh. Well Amy crushed it and threw it into the trash.
When Dr.Ball came in I told him about the story and he laughed. Meanies. THEN. On Thursday night Dr.Ball told me to come over to the laptop, he was googling Centipedes in Grenada! These things are about as long as a grown man's arm! no joke!!
Dr. Ball goes there every year to teach at the Vetrinary School out there. I wanted to go to one of the Tech Camps but i'm quickly changing my mind. Although there ARE monkies out there!
ok that was my gross story of the week
2nd Note of randomness
I wanna dye my hair black. with purple underneath. i'm sick of my roots ALWAYS showing. so black on top would solve that dilema. and since i'm a fan of color the purple would add to that edge
tell me what you think
3rd Note of randomness
i've been catching my kitten Gir sleeping like this every night. he's such a goober!

he's also been a little devil and been biting more lately. I suspect adult teeth wanna come through
4th note
I've been working really hard on finding Scarekrow and writeboy
a Savannah cat. I was over at their place last weekend and we were watching Cats101 and that cat was featured. Scarekrow demanded one and me being the crazy cat lady HOW can i say no? they are perhaps the COOLEST cats out there. i'm looking through rescues and adoption agencies cause breeders can go to hell!
arent they awesome! and so exotic!
I joined this group that'll keep me updated on adopting one of these beauties
i'm so excited!
I swear Gir is jealous because everytime I'm looking at pics or on the SV-Rescue site he starts to bite me or walk across my keyboard. poor dear.
5th Note
My classmate Nhi came over last saturday after school and we played some awesome karaoke! she totally kicked my ass at "Uptown Girl" ! but i had her floored when i sang "Fame"
then we got insanely goofy and went into the bathroom and took webcam pics myspace style! lol here's some of us being UTTERLY INSANELY GOOFY!!

the fun with us NEVER stops. we're super awesome together and i'm so glad to have her as afriend. its amazing that i found her at ghetto ass Truman College. its seriously the definition of crack head ghetto establishment. haha.
oh man i think i'm done. i gotta go to bed like soonish lol
class tomorrow with Nhi
So since this is a random blog. when you comment it can be as RANDOM as you'd like!
gee i'm in love with these things.
First note of randomness.
I was at work on monday night and a HUGE i mean HUGE centipede ran across the floor. I screamed and jumped up on Dr.Ball's desk like the little pussy I am. My co worker Amy picked it up in a napkin and tried showing it to me and guess what? the fucker fell. again. I'm up on the desk. Meanwhile James is laughing his ass off at me. Ugh. Well Amy crushed it and threw it into the trash.
When Dr.Ball came in I told him about the story and he laughed. Meanies. THEN. On Thursday night Dr.Ball told me to come over to the laptop, he was googling Centipedes in Grenada! These things are about as long as a grown man's arm! no joke!!

Dr. Ball goes there every year to teach at the Vetrinary School out there. I wanted to go to one of the Tech Camps but i'm quickly changing my mind. Although there ARE monkies out there!

ok that was my gross story of the week
2nd Note of randomness
I wanna dye my hair black. with purple underneath. i'm sick of my roots ALWAYS showing. so black on top would solve that dilema. and since i'm a fan of color the purple would add to that edge

3rd Note of randomness
i've been catching my kitten Gir sleeping like this every night. he's such a goober!

he's also been a little devil and been biting more lately. I suspect adult teeth wanna come through

4th note
I've been working really hard on finding Scarekrow and writeboy
a Savannah cat. I was over at their place last weekend and we were watching Cats101 and that cat was featured. Scarekrow demanded one and me being the crazy cat lady HOW can i say no? they are perhaps the COOLEST cats out there. i'm looking through rescues and adoption agencies cause breeders can go to hell!
arent they awesome! and so exotic!


I joined this group that'll keep me updated on adopting one of these beauties

I swear Gir is jealous because everytime I'm looking at pics or on the SV-Rescue site he starts to bite me or walk across my keyboard. poor dear.
5th Note
My classmate Nhi came over last saturday after school and we played some awesome karaoke! she totally kicked my ass at "Uptown Girl" ! but i had her floored when i sang "Fame"

then we got insanely goofy and went into the bathroom and took webcam pics myspace style! lol here's some of us being UTTERLY INSANELY GOOFY!!

the fun with us NEVER stops. we're super awesome together and i'm so glad to have her as afriend. its amazing that i found her at ghetto ass Truman College. its seriously the definition of crack head ghetto establishment. haha.
oh man i think i'm done. i gotta go to bed like soonish lol
class tomorrow with Nhi

savanah cats are GORGEOUS! Ive been trying to convince my fiance to get me one.