How desperate can men get?!
my guy friend INSISTS on seeing me EVERY weekend! i finally put my foot down to this needyness. its getting annoying dearie!!
he wants to come out this weekend too but this weekend is girly weekend! saturday i have class and then i'm going to be dying my hair [bangs going blue]. and on sunday is going to be EPIC! navy pier haunted house with Shyla and Kraven. umm either I or Kraven are going to pass out from blood loss xD we're gonna be gripping eachother way too tightly! haha. oh man i cant wait!
no boys
seriously ya'll he was/is acting kinda like a bf
i'm so happy being single its not even funny
yet here i am laughing....
he just txtd me back like FINE THEN IM GETTING DRUNK WITH THE GUYS! i supposed to be offended? GO! have fuckin fun! please go! if you dont go I'll FORCE you to go! haha. Jenna bout to get ghetto up in this bitch xD

i am so the little yellow chick! lol half black chick tryin to be HOOD. xD
oh man i cant wait till the weekend! ughhh its only tuesday!!!! GO FASTER!!!

hellllls yeah i'm gonna be doin some of that tomorrow (day off) xD
later peeps. thanks for reading my rant <3
my guy friend INSISTS on seeing me EVERY weekend! i finally put my foot down to this needyness. its getting annoying dearie!!
he wants to come out this weekend too but this weekend is girly weekend! saturday i have class and then i'm going to be dying my hair [bangs going blue]. and on sunday is going to be EPIC! navy pier haunted house with Shyla and Kraven. umm either I or Kraven are going to pass out from blood loss xD we're gonna be gripping eachother way too tightly! haha. oh man i cant wait!
no boys
seriously ya'll he was/is acting kinda like a bf
i'm so happy being single its not even funny
yet here i am laughing....
he just txtd me back like FINE THEN IM GETTING DRUNK WITH THE GUYS! i supposed to be offended? GO! have fuckin fun! please go! if you dont go I'll FORCE you to go! haha. Jenna bout to get ghetto up in this bitch xD

i am so the little yellow chick! lol half black chick tryin to be HOOD. xD
oh man i cant wait till the weekend! ughhh its only tuesday!!!! GO FASTER!!!

hellllls yeah i'm gonna be doin some of that tomorrow (day off) xD
later peeps. thanks for reading my rant <3
sounds like a good weekend in store for you