yes! we must hang out! let's plan for a friday afternoon? any cool spots in your part of town for coffee/tea? i know there are a few cool spots in andersonville which is sort of half way? but there are certainly some cool places near our place. let us know what you think
little brother is home from college for the weekend! totally spent time with him and his wonderful gf and my awesome friend mush. he just changed the spelling in it. i hates him xP no u dont. u loves me : P' uh obviously thats him typing over my shoulder im not pulling some gollum talking to smeagol shit xD if you know what THAT... Read More
man this week has been so socially declined. it was all work work work do homework write crazy essay and go to ghetto school.
well on saturday i got together with my friend michael and mshh. lol pronounced moosh. my cuddle buddy lol. hahhaa ummm. and TODAY has been a turn of events! was hanging with mshh. got a random call from a long time... Read More
This Is Why You NEVER NEVER NEVER Get An Animal From A Pet Store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we had to euthanize a small 3 month old 2 pound kitten this evening. the owner and her mother came in bawling and sobbing and holding this tiny sick little innocent kitten, they couldnt stand to be in the room for when we humanely put her down. i volunteered cause i... Read More
Hmmmm new pro. so a new start haha kinda. where to begin OH my bitchy manager cici quit! SWEET JESUS HURRAYYY!!!!! so more hours for Jenna! wooot and my confidence has boosted cause i dont have a bitch leaniing over my shoulder snapping over everything i do BEFORE i even do it! for the first time in over a year i've worked there i worked... Read More