well happy birthday to me. ok, so I'm a couple hours early, but after the day I've had I doubt I'll make it til midnight anyway...
and shit just continues to happen. both good and bad.
on the good side, vivian has started putting her own shoes on (finally), using the potty sometimes (and telling us when she needs to) and lots of other cool little things. leaps and bounds, as they say. rosalyn is so close to figuring out how to crawl it's not even funny.
and then there's the shit side of things. talked to the potential sitter yesterday. her sitting for us was contingent on her being able to scale back to part time at work. where she works, they only allow part time if two people sign a contract saying they are willing to split the hours of one full-time position. she said that the person she's supposed to be splitting with hadn't been to work for the past week and a half, she hasn't been able to reach the girl by phone and "no one at work is telling me anything"... so potentially not good news. I missed a couple calls from a cell number I didn't recognize today, I have a sinking feeling it was her trying to tell me what I'm already beginning to suspect - that she won't be able to sit for us now.
to top that off, I found out last week that my place of work might soon cease to be a 24-7 operation... meaning that by november I may very well no longer be able to work the condensed graveyard shift I have now (3 nights a week, mostly through the weekend), which greatly minimizes our need for childcare and allows me to be home with the girls 3-4 days a week. in other words, I may end up working more (more days in a week even if it equals the same number of hours - i.e. four 8hr shifts instead of three 10hr shifts), home less and potentially having to shell out a lot more on childcare (which would almost negate the point of working in the first place)... nothing is written in stone about this yet, but they warned us of the possibility... and to my way of thinking, why "warn" us if you don't think the writing's already on the wall. it's even more of a piss off worrying about it but not knowing. at least if I knew, and there was a change coming, we could be planning now. the only saving grace with any of this is that jada's dad will be here soon to stay with us for the winter... hopefully this time we can convince him to stay for good.
yeah, so like I said, happy birthday to me...
and shit just continues to happen. both good and bad.
on the good side, vivian has started putting her own shoes on (finally), using the potty sometimes (and telling us when she needs to) and lots of other cool little things. leaps and bounds, as they say. rosalyn is so close to figuring out how to crawl it's not even funny.
and then there's the shit side of things. talked to the potential sitter yesterday. her sitting for us was contingent on her being able to scale back to part time at work. where she works, they only allow part time if two people sign a contract saying they are willing to split the hours of one full-time position. she said that the person she's supposed to be splitting with hadn't been to work for the past week and a half, she hasn't been able to reach the girl by phone and "no one at work is telling me anything"... so potentially not good news. I missed a couple calls from a cell number I didn't recognize today, I have a sinking feeling it was her trying to tell me what I'm already beginning to suspect - that she won't be able to sit for us now.
to top that off, I found out last week that my place of work might soon cease to be a 24-7 operation... meaning that by november I may very well no longer be able to work the condensed graveyard shift I have now (3 nights a week, mostly through the weekend), which greatly minimizes our need for childcare and allows me to be home with the girls 3-4 days a week. in other words, I may end up working more (more days in a week even if it equals the same number of hours - i.e. four 8hr shifts instead of three 10hr shifts), home less and potentially having to shell out a lot more on childcare (which would almost negate the point of working in the first place)... nothing is written in stone about this yet, but they warned us of the possibility... and to my way of thinking, why "warn" us if you don't think the writing's already on the wall. it's even more of a piss off worrying about it but not knowing. at least if I knew, and there was a change coming, we could be planning now. the only saving grace with any of this is that jada's dad will be here soon to stay with us for the winter... hopefully this time we can convince him to stay for good.
yeah, so like I said, happy birthday to me...