well thanks to everyone who stopped by to say thanks and/or to wish well for Vivian... she's much better now
but let me tell you about the fucking week we had here after the seizure.
first things first, when I came home from the hospital with Vivian I was told that the lung x-rays had detected a slight trace of pneumonia and given a script for some anti-biotics to give her. no problem, and she's done with that now.
now... wednesday last week, Jada and Rosalyn both got sick! and to top it all off, our sitter, who usually takes them Thurdays and Fridays, was supposed to have them for one last week before starting back to her job. and guess what? she cancelled for last week b/c her job is making her start back sooner than she originally expected. guess who didn't go to work thursday night?
fortunately Rosalyn was better by Friday. and Jada has figured out that her illness was/is being caused by an impacted wisdom tooth. so, still not great, but at least it wasn't some lethal virus just passing around between us all.
then not so fortunately, jada figured out what was probably making Rosalyn sick - she found mold on the drywall in her room
(Rosalyn sleeps in the basement for now while we work up to transitioning the two of them into the same room). the only good part of that news is that it is a damp basement, and the jackasses who had the house before us thought it was a brilliant idea to put carpet down there, and the mold is confined to the edge of the carpet and no higher up the wall. so probably not a HUGE deal, it just means getting rid of the carpet and replacing the drywall. anyone who's had mold probably knows it could be a lot worse.
and apparently that type of mold is actually common around here. see, the geniuses who built this town basically filled in a swamp and moved in, so basements tend to be moist in the area.
then to top it off, we get a call from the receptionist at our family doctor's office on Friday. "we got the test results from the hospital from the seizure on Sunday. it looks like Vivian has a urine infection and you need to take her back there for another test." um, hello?!?!? why were we not fucking told this while we were AT the hospital? "oh, but first you need to come here to get the requisition form." um, hello, but you're on the other end of town and WE DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CAR!!! and I don't even have a useable bike anymore (see below). so we've now decided that when we can, we'll just have to take her back to the ER and make an "emergency" out of it. Jada at least has experience with getting similar infections when she was a kid, so we have that to back up our "suspicions"... I swear that hospitals and doctors do their best to make the process so difficult that you'll say "fuck it" and go without treatment...
so then I'm riding my bike home from work Saturday morning and my fucking tire blew. just the capper I needed for this kind of a week.
to top it off, Jada goes to the dentist today to see about her tooth. the appointment is for 10:00am. at 11:00am, she basically had to get up and leave b/c no one had seen her or even said a word to her about when they might be ready to see her. we'll be looking for a new dentist needless to say.
I feel a little trivial barking about all of this in light of what people are going through with the whole Katrina thing, but there you go.
and yet on the other hand, I can't help saying to myself that both New Orleans and this hole of a town I'm living in are proof that if French people can find a stupid place to build a city, they'll do it. I don't imagine that comment will make me a lot of friends but someone had to say it.
there is a small nugget of good news in all of this: we seem to have found a new sitter. she takes the girls for a trial run (trial more for her than anything
) tomorrow so we'll see how it goes... but in interacting with her so far, I'm already liking her a lot, almost better than the first sitter we had. she has a 16 month old as well, so Vivian will have a new friend to play with. if all goes to plan, she'd basically be working part time and watching the girls on two of her four days off. so if it all works out, since I'm home with the girls on the days she'd be working, I might see if she wants to leave her kid with us on those days and that way we both have sitters without having to pay for it... but that's putting the cart before the horse at this point, so we'll see what happens.
anyway, that's my weekly vent.
hopefully I'll have more good news next time...

but let me tell you about the fucking week we had here after the seizure.
first things first, when I came home from the hospital with Vivian I was told that the lung x-rays had detected a slight trace of pneumonia and given a script for some anti-biotics to give her. no problem, and she's done with that now.
now... wednesday last week, Jada and Rosalyn both got sick! and to top it all off, our sitter, who usually takes them Thurdays and Fridays, was supposed to have them for one last week before starting back to her job. and guess what? she cancelled for last week b/c her job is making her start back sooner than she originally expected. guess who didn't go to work thursday night?
fortunately Rosalyn was better by Friday. and Jada has figured out that her illness was/is being caused by an impacted wisdom tooth. so, still not great, but at least it wasn't some lethal virus just passing around between us all.
then not so fortunately, jada figured out what was probably making Rosalyn sick - she found mold on the drywall in her room

and apparently that type of mold is actually common around here. see, the geniuses who built this town basically filled in a swamp and moved in, so basements tend to be moist in the area.
then to top it off, we get a call from the receptionist at our family doctor's office on Friday. "we got the test results from the hospital from the seizure on Sunday. it looks like Vivian has a urine infection and you need to take her back there for another test." um, hello?!?!? why were we not fucking told this while we were AT the hospital? "oh, but first you need to come here to get the requisition form." um, hello, but you're on the other end of town and WE DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CAR!!! and I don't even have a useable bike anymore (see below). so we've now decided that when we can, we'll just have to take her back to the ER and make an "emergency" out of it. Jada at least has experience with getting similar infections when she was a kid, so we have that to back up our "suspicions"... I swear that hospitals and doctors do their best to make the process so difficult that you'll say "fuck it" and go without treatment...
so then I'm riding my bike home from work Saturday morning and my fucking tire blew. just the capper I needed for this kind of a week.
to top it off, Jada goes to the dentist today to see about her tooth. the appointment is for 10:00am. at 11:00am, she basically had to get up and leave b/c no one had seen her or even said a word to her about when they might be ready to see her. we'll be looking for a new dentist needless to say.
I feel a little trivial barking about all of this in light of what people are going through with the whole Katrina thing, but there you go.
and yet on the other hand, I can't help saying to myself that both New Orleans and this hole of a town I'm living in are proof that if French people can find a stupid place to build a city, they'll do it. I don't imagine that comment will make me a lot of friends but someone had to say it.
there is a small nugget of good news in all of this: we seem to have found a new sitter. she takes the girls for a trial run (trial more for her than anything

anyway, that's my weekly vent.
hopefully I'll have more good news next time...