thinking of getting rid of a lot of my synth gear and getting guitar, bass, amp and some drums again... been feeling the need for some live, vibrate-in-your-hands-when-you-play-them instruments (I know where I'm posting this but spare me the vibrator jokes please
) ...
synths are fun, but I so rarely have both the time and the mental space to devote to them these days.
I want to start drumming again, as much so I can continue to get some form of exercise in the winter as anything else. I also think I would just have a lot less stress in general if I got back that physical outlet, which I lack right now. and I just miss drums.
I want an electric guitar again so I can run it through all my FX and do some guitar-based ambient for a change...
I just want a change I guess.
tough decision though... the Fenix is ultra-rare, 75 of them in existence and I'm lucky to have gotten one as easily as I did... OTOH, that's a LOT of money to have tied up in one machine that I barely get to use...
what to do, what to do...
I usually just go with my gut on stuff like this and I've sold off plenty of gear without remorse before, but this is a big one...
but who really cares aside from me anyway
on an unrelated note, I wonder why the hell I'm getting pop-ups here all of a sudden? computer must have caught something when I clicked on all those links in Rosalyn's "nasty porn" thread last night
thinking of getting rid of a lot of my synth gear and getting guitar, bass, amp and some drums again... been feeling the need for some live, vibrate-in-your-hands-when-you-play-them instruments (I know where I'm posting this but spare me the vibrator jokes please

synths are fun, but I so rarely have both the time and the mental space to devote to them these days.
I want to start drumming again, as much so I can continue to get some form of exercise in the winter as anything else. I also think I would just have a lot less stress in general if I got back that physical outlet, which I lack right now. and I just miss drums.
I want an electric guitar again so I can run it through all my FX and do some guitar-based ambient for a change...
I just want a change I guess.
tough decision though... the Fenix is ultra-rare, 75 of them in existence and I'm lucky to have gotten one as easily as I did... OTOH, that's a LOT of money to have tied up in one machine that I barely get to use...
what to do, what to do...
I usually just go with my gut on stuff like this and I've sold off plenty of gear without remorse before, but this is a big one...
but who really cares aside from me anyway

on an unrelated note, I wonder why the hell I'm getting pop-ups here all of a sudden? computer must have caught something when I clicked on all those links in Rosalyn's "nasty porn" thread last night

Thankyou, I really appreciate your comment on my set.