yay! the latest round of tattoodles:

this idea was inspired by a couple things... first there was that "8-bit" thread in the tattoos group on here, in which someone then linked to the amazing work of Nick Baxter and some of the pixel pieces he's done. after considering ideas in this vein i decided to go with the Goomba cuz 1) who the fuck my age DIDN'T grow up playing Super Mario, 2) playing it has been one of Gridkid1's favorite things to do with me for a couple years now. so i showed my artist the Baxter stuff, he loved it and emulated it with different shading for the Goomba's pixels to get the same effect. it looks awesome. those details will prolly show better after it heals up but the pic still gives a pretty good idea.
Echo Echo:

from Ben 10: Alien Force. there's a story here. for a few years, Gridkid1 has gotten into superheroes and comics and stuff just from seeing me read them so much, watching Justice League, Legion of Superheroes etc cartoons and whatnot. i even trained her memory at age 3 by getting her to memorize superhero names
... but this Ben 10 thing was the first thing along those lines that she REALLY got into on her own, without my influence. she got a gift certificate to Toys R' Us for Xmas this year and came home with every Ben 10 figure they had, including this guy. i immediately loved the way he looked and i'd been wanting a robot tattoo anyway, so he seemed perfect. then i watched it with her a bit and realized that his "powers" are sound-related - an amplifier/sonic-scream thing; and he can make multiple copies of himself. for me, being a former audio-engineer who still farts around with the toys and is obsessed with music, and also often wishing i could be in 10 places at once, he became even more perfect. i also liked the fact that it kind of marks Gridkid1's beginning stages of "independence" growing up n' whatnot.
lastly, he added a web to my spider and re-touched the spider itself:

even though it wasn't, we wanted it to look like it had been there first and partly "ruined" by the one tear that was done two weeks ago. i likes it.
so here's what the whole outer forearm looks like now with the Goomba:

and the inner forearm:

i think that about does it for this arm. i'm mulling some ideas for something to fill in the background/empty areas and unify the whole thing, but i'm gonna sit on the ideas for a bit before i do anything else.
we start work on the other arm in 3 weeks

this idea was inspired by a couple things... first there was that "8-bit" thread in the tattoos group on here, in which someone then linked to the amazing work of Nick Baxter and some of the pixel pieces he's done. after considering ideas in this vein i decided to go with the Goomba cuz 1) who the fuck my age DIDN'T grow up playing Super Mario, 2) playing it has been one of Gridkid1's favorite things to do with me for a couple years now. so i showed my artist the Baxter stuff, he loved it and emulated it with different shading for the Goomba's pixels to get the same effect. it looks awesome. those details will prolly show better after it heals up but the pic still gives a pretty good idea.
Echo Echo:

from Ben 10: Alien Force. there's a story here. for a few years, Gridkid1 has gotten into superheroes and comics and stuff just from seeing me read them so much, watching Justice League, Legion of Superheroes etc cartoons and whatnot. i even trained her memory at age 3 by getting her to memorize superhero names

lastly, he added a web to my spider and re-touched the spider itself:

even though it wasn't, we wanted it to look like it had been there first and partly "ruined" by the one tear that was done two weeks ago. i likes it.
so here's what the whole outer forearm looks like now with the Goomba:

and the inner forearm:

i think that about does it for this arm. i'm mulling some ideas for something to fill in the background/empty areas and unify the whole thing, but i'm gonna sit on the ideas for a bit before i do anything else.
we start work on the other arm in 3 weeks

Fuck yeah !!! all those are hella awesome! especially echo echo I LOVE Ben 10 its such a great cartoon!!
now you know exactly how dirty i can be hahahah