so... my 3 year old (as of March) who has been stubborn as FUCK about potty training FINALLY peed on the toilet yesterday!
I just said "fuck it" and made her wear panties yesterday instead of a pull-up... she still peed in them a bit and had to change em a few times, but by the end of the day, she'd used the toilet twice.
could the end of spending money on diapers finally be in sight? I sure fucking hope so. wish me luck
I just said "fuck it" and made her wear panties yesterday instead of a pull-up... she still peed in them a bit and had to change em a few times, but by the end of the day, she'd used the toilet twice.
could the end of spending money on diapers finally be in sight? I sure fucking hope so. wish me luck

yeah we spared ours that indignity. just one of those little "insert" things to make the "hole" smaller for them, but real toilet all the way. that's where we want em to end up, why not start em out there? heh.
Toilet seat adapters FTW!