I saw a pretty amazing band last night: Video Hippos. they're from Baltimore. you can click through different sections of their site to hear mp3s and .wav files of some of their songs and watch a video... and there's some other songs on their myspace page as well.
their show is more of an event, with on-going video projections to a backdrop behind them while they play that sync up nicely with the music. the music itself is very nice as well, sort of a cross between nintendo/chip tunes (with their electronic aspects anyway), twee, a bit of late-80s manchester/early shoegaze and a dash of SY-style guitar noise-cum-melody.
one thing I'm rapidly noticing though is that their recordings don't do their live show a lick of justice... so if you get a chance, go see them.
I grabbed a CD-R they made 25 copies of b/c they ran out of copies of their "official" CD, so I guess I've got a bit of a collectors' item or whatever... here's the cover (CD-R is pinned to the back):

ps - the in-laws are GONE! woo-hoo!
their show is more of an event, with on-going video projections to a backdrop behind them while they play that sync up nicely with the music. the music itself is very nice as well, sort of a cross between nintendo/chip tunes (with their electronic aspects anyway), twee, a bit of late-80s manchester/early shoegaze and a dash of SY-style guitar noise-cum-melody.
one thing I'm rapidly noticing though is that their recordings don't do their live show a lick of justice... so if you get a chance, go see them.
I grabbed a CD-R they made 25 copies of b/c they ran out of copies of their "official" CD, so I guess I've got a bit of a collectors' item or whatever... here's the cover (CD-R is pinned to the back):

ps - the in-laws are GONE! woo-hoo!
thats a really cool way to package a cd! i want a froggy! 

Thanks for the comment on the set and (most of all) on the blog!
I'm rolling on the floor right now. Seems I'll be all day long on SG ahahah!