the new kittehs are settling in well, for the most part. they freaked out a bit at first when they got here - they were with the same person for most of their lives so far ("boo-boo" is 5.y.o. and "sweetie" is 8.y.o.) and they were used to an apartment (we're in a house), so it was a bit of an adjustment for them. but they seem to be comfortable now.
"sweetie" might just end up keeping her name - she is possibly the most affectionate cat I've ever met, she just looooves getting the love, she'll snuggle and let you pet her endlessly if you're willing. she really lives up to her name and we figure we'd end up calling her that half the time anyway since she's such a sweetheart. for some reason though, she looks kind of bitchy in any picture I've taken of her so far... case in point:

and then there's "boo-boo". she hid in our closet and pretty much stayed there for the first few days. she'd come out after the kids were in bed though, and she's played with the string toys a few times. I should mention that the previous owner gave us a whole bunch of stuff for them as well - food, dishes, a litterbox, carrier, one of those perch things and an assload of toys. there was also a tiny couch and a teddy bear to go with it all, which she emphatically insisted belong to "boo-boo". for the first few days I found this odd - we set it up in a corner of our room and neither of them went near the damn thing. then the other day I saw "boo-boo" sleeping on it for pretty much the whole day. since then, I've seen her grooming and actually cuddling with the teddy bear a few times. sooooo cute. she's weird around people though - the previous owner said she had been a stray and suspected had been abused before being taken in... I'm beginning to believe it, because she'll often rub her whiskers up against door frames and furniture like she wants to be petted there, but will cringe away and approach reluctantly when I put my hand out to pet her. hopefully she'll adjust. anyway, here's a pic of her on the couch - it turned out a little dark b/c I had to snap it quickly in order to actually catch her there:
"sweetie" might just end up keeping her name - she is possibly the most affectionate cat I've ever met, she just looooves getting the love, she'll snuggle and let you pet her endlessly if you're willing. she really lives up to her name and we figure we'd end up calling her that half the time anyway since she's such a sweetheart. for some reason though, she looks kind of bitchy in any picture I've taken of her so far... case in point:

and then there's "boo-boo". she hid in our closet and pretty much stayed there for the first few days. she'd come out after the kids were in bed though, and she's played with the string toys a few times. I should mention that the previous owner gave us a whole bunch of stuff for them as well - food, dishes, a litterbox, carrier, one of those perch things and an assload of toys. there was also a tiny couch and a teddy bear to go with it all, which she emphatically insisted belong to "boo-boo". for the first few days I found this odd - we set it up in a corner of our room and neither of them went near the damn thing. then the other day I saw "boo-boo" sleeping on it for pretty much the whole day. since then, I've seen her grooming and actually cuddling with the teddy bear a few times. sooooo cute. she's weird around people though - the previous owner said she had been a stray and suspected had been abused before being taken in... I'm beginning to believe it, because she'll often rub her whiskers up against door frames and furniture like she wants to be petted there, but will cringe away and approach reluctantly when I put my hand out to pet her. hopefully she'll adjust. anyway, here's a pic of her on the couch - it turned out a little dark b/c I had to snap it quickly in order to actually catch her there:

You're lucky to have such an affectionate cat, I personally love cats but my ex-girlfriend hated them. A feral cat(which is just an undomesticated cat) got inside the house once and she freaked, even I ran away from it because it was so vicious. It's amazing how cats became self domesticated.