well Velcro is getting more comfortable, finally. sometimes he flinches when we reach to pet him, so now we're thinking he might have been physically abused at some point in his first 5 years... but despite that, he's coming around nicely. he'll even sit at the top of the stairs in sight of the kids (there's a baby gate at the bottom, mind you), which is more than he used to be willing to do. starting to show signs of playfulness too. we'll wear him down eventually
the kids though... talk about unbridled rage on my part. this will make me sound like a bad dad but I don't care - I just want to throttle them lately. Ros is hitting the "terrible twos", which we never really experienced with Vivian since she was such a well-mannered kid in comparison... and at the same time, Vivian is starting to get separation anxiety with Jada, and spends half the day crying because "mommy left her" when Jada goes to work. rationally I know it's normal developmental stuff, but dealing with both at the same time is making me want to put them through windows. plus, they keep waking up at the crack of dawn (6:30am and only getting earlier as the weather gets better) and are cranky shits for the first half of the day no matter what until I can get them to nap. GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!
ok, venting complete.
Jada and I celebrated 9 years yesterday. yay for us. phooey to everyone at our wedding who thought we were getting married too young and wasting their time on something that would end quickly. I mean, it's true, we only did it for student loan money at the time, but it would've happened sooner or later anyway
oh, and facebook is fucking weird. in the past two weeks I've managed to locate virtually everyone I was friends with in high school, most of whom I haven't seen in like 12 years. and then some.

the kids though... talk about unbridled rage on my part. this will make me sound like a bad dad but I don't care - I just want to throttle them lately. Ros is hitting the "terrible twos", which we never really experienced with Vivian since she was such a well-mannered kid in comparison... and at the same time, Vivian is starting to get separation anxiety with Jada, and spends half the day crying because "mommy left her" when Jada goes to work. rationally I know it's normal developmental stuff, but dealing with both at the same time is making me want to put them through windows. plus, they keep waking up at the crack of dawn (6:30am and only getting earlier as the weather gets better) and are cranky shits for the first half of the day no matter what until I can get them to nap. GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!
ok, venting complete.
Jada and I celebrated 9 years yesterday. yay for us. phooey to everyone at our wedding who thought we were getting married too young and wasting their time on something that would end quickly. I mean, it's true, we only did it for student loan money at the time, but it would've happened sooner or later anyway

oh, and facebook is fucking weird. in the past two weeks I've managed to locate virtually everyone I was friends with in high school, most of whom I haven't seen in like 12 years. and then some.
I applaud your patience with the little ones. I can barely handled two cats some days...I can't imagine two toddlers!
Congrats on the anniversary.
Give him time, he'll come around.. and then you won't be able to get him to leave you alone
As for the kids, I say throttle them
Congrats on the anniversary too! Not many people make it that long these days and its inspiring to see a couple who has and is still going strong.