You know, I read comments like this and it just infuriates me. The ignorance is just unbelievable. People protesting that man (whose name I refuse to use) are absolutely not making a biased decision (by and large; I can't speak for everyone), they're protesting his bias. His racism. His sexism. His lies.
I chose not to comment on that particular thread because I feel it's not my place but I have to say something. I've said this before but it's so important that everyone knows, whether they support him or not. Look, I'm the very epitome of what some would call "white privilege". I'm a thirty something, non-college educated, middle class, straight, white man and I do not support him. I did not vote for him, nor even consider the possibility. I do not support him in any way, shape or form. The man disgusts me and I don't need to "wait at least 6 months" to stand up for what I believe in and neither does anyone in that thread. I don't claim to speak on their behalf but they each have their own reason for protesting in whatever way they choose and I respect and support them. I have my own reasons for speaking out against him, in part my belief that he is a sociopath. He is not capable of caring for anyone but himself. He is going to run this country into the ground. No one is having a "temper tantrum" but even if we were, the man has admittedly sexually assaulted women. So, yeah, a "tantrum" would be just, imo. He makes a mockery of what we middle class Americans have worked our asses off trying to achieve so frankly, fuck giving him a chance. He won't be willing to give a chance to anyone who doesn't support him. What makes him worthy of a chance? And anyway, give him a chance running a country?! This isn't a carnival game; this is our lives. Our livelihood is on the line here! Particularly the lives of minorities. And we're supposed to "give him a chance"?!?
I have to shut up about it now or I'll be here all day. In short, please just bear in mind - he does not speak for us all, I promise. I will be marching with you all in spirit, if nothing else. 💙