Tired. Time to cook some delicious dinner (cauliflower au gratin, dandelion greens & lentils, melon for dessert) & cuddle up in front of the warm glow of the television.
1:30 PM - Left house and headed to train station.
1:45 PM - Arrived at train station and began waiting.
2:00 PM - Loudspeaker announcement informing us that. Manhattan bound local service has been suspended and we must take Forrest Hills bound train back five stops to catch Manhattan express.
2:15 PM - Forrest Hills bound train arrives.
2:20 PM - Arrive at express stop.
2:25 PM - Leave express stop.
2:30 PM - Imformed that R train is traveling on F track. Change at Queens Plaza for regular R train. I have to change at 42nd for the 1/9, so I transfer.
2:50 PM - Leave Queens Plaza with the unconscious desire to hit something.
3:00 PM - While waiting on stopped train somewhere between Queens and Manhattan, announcement informs us that no downtown train will be stopping at 42nd street and that we should transfer at 34th street for uptown trains to 42nd street. I actually DO hit something.
3:20 PM - Arrive at 34th street and walk to Penn Station to catch 1/9.
3:30 PM - Arrive at Houston stop just in time to realize that there's no point trying to make your show anymore. Too pissed to do anything but walk over to Broadway and by myself some new pants.
This is what I get for waiting until the last minute.
1:30 PM - Left house and headed to train station.
1:45 PM - Arrived at train station and began waiting.
2:00 PM - Loudspeaker announcement informing us that. Manhattan bound local service has been suspended and we must take Forrest Hills bound train back five stops to catch Manhattan express.
2:15 PM - Forrest Hills bound train arrives.
2:20 PM - Arrive at express stop.
2:25 PM - Leave express stop.
2:30 PM - Imformed that R train is traveling on F track. Change at Queens Plaza for regular R train. I have to change at 42nd for the 1/9, so I transfer.
2:50 PM - Leave Queens Plaza with the unconscious desire to hit something.
3:00 PM - While waiting on stopped train somewhere between Queens and Manhattan, announcement informs us that no downtown train will be stopping at 42nd street and that we should transfer at 34th street for uptown trains to 42nd street. I actually DO hit something.
3:20 PM - Arrive at 34th street and walk to Penn Station to catch 1/9.
3:30 PM - Arrive at Houston stop just in time to realize that there's no point trying to make your show anymore. Too pissed to do anything but walk over to Broadway and by myself some new pants.
This is what I get for waiting until the last minute.