I'm taking this weird "Body Dynamics" class. It's not an acting class, it's a class for actors to get us in touch with our instrument. Upside: touching other peoples' butts. Downside: New-age jargon.
I got into the class when my acting teacher recommended it. Apparently I'm extremely unbalanced. Uh, physically. When I stand, I tend to lean forward. And my arms don't hang very relaxedly. As I like to say, I'm taking Body Dynamics so I can learn to stand like a human.
One concept of the class is the idea that every experience that we don't process completely (like traumatic experiences) gets stored up in our muscles. So when we do some of these exercises, which often releases some of this ancient tension, we may feel these stored emotions. Sounds like bullpuckies, but I've seen people doing some simple exercise (such as lying on top of little pink rubber balls) and they'll just start to sob. It's unnerving; I'm a little jealous. Catharsis looks so satisfying.
I've been in the class for over a month. My VSLF says she thinks my posture is a little more relaxed. Isn't that nice?
Thanks goes out to fuzzybunny (and nobody else) for taking part in yesterday's poll, and for responding kindly to my sarcastic post about female ejaculation.
I got into the class when my acting teacher recommended it. Apparently I'm extremely unbalanced. Uh, physically. When I stand, I tend to lean forward. And my arms don't hang very relaxedly. As I like to say, I'm taking Body Dynamics so I can learn to stand like a human.
One concept of the class is the idea that every experience that we don't process completely (like traumatic experiences) gets stored up in our muscles. So when we do some of these exercises, which often releases some of this ancient tension, we may feel these stored emotions. Sounds like bullpuckies, but I've seen people doing some simple exercise (such as lying on top of little pink rubber balls) and they'll just start to sob. It's unnerving; I'm a little jealous. Catharsis looks so satisfying.
I've been in the class for over a month. My VSLF says she thinks my posture is a little more relaxed. Isn't that nice?
Thanks goes out to fuzzybunny (and nobody else) for taking part in yesterday's poll, and for responding kindly to my sarcastic post about female ejaculation.
I'm actually solid throughout! Like a potato!
Oh, and here's more proof of my inhumanity: I can't sit cross-legged. Seriously. If I try, I fall over. The VSLF finds it very amusing. We'll have guests over, and she'll be all, "Hey, you guys want to see something funny? Jon-- try and sit crosslegged!"
*weep in confusion for his problematic existence*
(i need to get the elephant's permission to use her in my story)