Yesterday was the tech rehearsal for the industry showcase I'm in. It's eighty actors performing forty three-minute scenes for two hours. In a rather small studio. It was hot, tiring, and took a total of ten hours. On the upside: my partner and I had the opportunity to perform our scene for somebody besides our teacher. And I'm pleased to say that it was very well received; we got a lot of laughs.
Also: I did actually get my headshots & resume in under the wire. And so I give you:
Viewed at 100%, one can clearly see droplets of sweat on my upper lip!
Also: I did actually get my headshots & resume in under the wire. And so I give you:

Viewed at 100%, one can clearly see droplets of sweat on my upper lip!

I thought you weren't picking that one...???

coming to a sitcom near you!