18:54 Meatball appears to have decomposed entirely into soil.
20:12 Dirt has spread out to cover the entire base of the glass container. Patches of a strange pale green fuzz speckle the top surface.
22:33 More green fuzz has grown. It now covers the entire layer of dirt. Upon close examination, the fuzz reveals itself to be a miniature variant of grass.
07:28 Grass has grown to the point that I can easily make out individual blades. More importantly, small creatures the largest about the size of an aspirin appear to be grazing upon the new vegetation! The diminuitive ruminants resemble nothing as much as they do tiny cows.
...and the cycle of meat continues...
18:54 Meatball appears to have decomposed entirely into soil.
20:12 Dirt has spread out to cover the entire base of the glass container. Patches of a strange pale green fuzz speckle the top surface.
22:33 More green fuzz has grown. It now covers the entire layer of dirt. Upon close examination, the fuzz reveals itself to be a miniature variant of grass.
07:28 Grass has grown to the point that I can easily make out individual blades. More importantly, small creatures the largest about the size of an aspirin appear to be grazing upon the new vegetation! The diminuitive ruminants resemble nothing as much as they do tiny cows.
...and the cycle of meat continues...

This sounds like you haven't been cleaning your kitchen.