Sunday Feb 08, 2004 Feb 8, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Re tonight's Sex and the City episode: Who wouldn't be delighted to go on a date with Wallace Shawn? That guy kicks ass! VIEW 17 of 17 COMMENTS geekgurl: Thanks for letting us crash after the party. I'm going to have to borrow Spaced off of you sometime. Maybe I'll just watch it in installments whenever I come to visit. Feb 9, 2004 geekgurl: Hm, I think I can change the region setting on my laptop. Hm... I'll have to look into that. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it on Friday. I'd like to, but I should be saving money. Feb 9, 2004
I'm not sure I'll be able to make it on Friday. I'd like to, but I should be saving money.