We went to see Bad Santa last night. We got drink and snack from the lobby, which I now vow never to do again. How much do you think a fucking child's drink and child's popcorn are? Over seven dollars! You believe that?
But the movie. It was... good, and very funny in places, but... so far from the quality of Ghost World. Billy Bob was excellent, and Bernie Mac's character was amazing, but the other characters were really one-note instruments. And while I could see the a lot of really cheap humor was (thankfully) bypassed I'm imagining Santa mugging as an overweight child sits on his knee some scenes were just so much more obvious than what I'd expect from Zwigoff, particularly the closing scene.
Afterwards we went to a party hosted by a coworker of VSLF. Nice people, but everything just seemed like an effort. Too many people to be introduced to. Had some good conversations about Bubba Ho-Tep and Return of the King and Paris Hilton. I realize that I'm fairly poor at conversation unless I'm talking about movies or TV. Or sex.
But the movie. It was... good, and very funny in places, but... so far from the quality of Ghost World. Billy Bob was excellent, and Bernie Mac's character was amazing, but the other characters were really one-note instruments. And while I could see the a lot of really cheap humor was (thankfully) bypassed I'm imagining Santa mugging as an overweight child sits on his knee some scenes were just so much more obvious than what I'd expect from Zwigoff, particularly the closing scene.
Afterwards we went to a party hosted by a coworker of VSLF. Nice people, but everything just seemed like an effort. Too many people to be introduced to. Had some good conversations about Bubba Ho-Tep and Return of the King and Paris Hilton. I realize that I'm fairly poor at conversation unless I'm talking about movies or TV. Or sex.
Skydork was talking about buying some, I don't have any, but if someone does, this party will get interesting.