Went to see Scout Niblett perform last night in Brooklyn, thanks to AlexKarina's wide live performance knowledge. My Very Special Lady Friend was at work, so she couldn't come. so it was just me on my lonesome. If I knew how to contact you and thought you might be interested, I would've asked you to come with me. Anyway, the show was great, though surprisingly empty. Went to a friend's birthday party after and was complimented on my dancing skills, which blew my mind.
Today, we went to the beach.
FUN FACT: Since my last trip to the beach (I never go to the beach), topless sunbathing has become quite common! Honestly, I was scandalized. This country's so afraid of nipples — how could there be so many out in broad daylight?
At first I was thinking that this is a cause I can really get behind. But: you know, I found it way way distracting. I kept glancing around out of the corners of my eyes just in case a pretty girl was, I don't know, doing jumping jacks.
I would like to make it absolutely clear that I was surreptitious in my leering. I'm fairly certain this is true, as VSLF later said she was completely unaware that I had noticed any unclad breastage at all during the day. And if anyone's going to notice me rudely staring, it's going to be her.
My legs are so burnt. I really need to be less blasé about the application of sunscreen.
This is my second nippletacular journal entry in as many days. I'm hoping tomorrow is sufficiently interesting to make this into a trilogy-type dealy.
"Looking at [breasts] is like looking at the sun, you don't stare at it. It's too risky! You get a sense of it and then you look away!"
Today, we went to the beach.
FUN FACT: Since my last trip to the beach (I never go to the beach), topless sunbathing has become quite common! Honestly, I was scandalized. This country's so afraid of nipples — how could there be so many out in broad daylight?
At first I was thinking that this is a cause I can really get behind. But: you know, I found it way way distracting. I kept glancing around out of the corners of my eyes just in case a pretty girl was, I don't know, doing jumping jacks.
I would like to make it absolutely clear that I was surreptitious in my leering. I'm fairly certain this is true, as VSLF later said she was completely unaware that I had noticed any unclad breastage at all during the day. And if anyone's going to notice me rudely staring, it's going to be her.
My legs are so burnt. I really need to be less blasé about the application of sunscreen.
This is my second nippletacular journal entry in as many days. I'm hoping tomorrow is sufficiently interesting to make this into a trilogy-type dealy.
"Looking at [breasts] is like looking at the sun, you don't stare at it. It's too risky! You get a sense of it and then you look away!"
horray for boobs.

lol, it seems late in the season for breast adventures but too am having them. I won a nifty shirt at the locale drag show this friday by showing mine off. Damn things are finally paying their way.