My art doesn't need any explanation!..........
Why do people insist that my artwork be paired up with some bull-shit rambling about how the tree is a symbol of how my life shakes in my sleep or how the shattered glass represents time in a 20 foot yacht while waves splash against its hull. But, what gets me are these "fine art" buffs who take in that crap and use it to the artists disadvantage. "Oh, my apologies dear sir, your expression of the fallen leaves are a mere example of how one feels during a time of famine.......BLAH BLAH BLAH!" I on the other hand can say, "Uh.....I painted the teddy bear with its finger up its ass.....because.......I thought it would be funny to see a teddy bear with its finger up its ass!" or if some would like, my "fine arts" description, "The teddy bear, in fact represents the world. The world as a big fluffy teddy bear, harmless, inviting and yet full of things we have yet to see. The finger is a representation of the USA and Dubbya. It is being driven up the teddy bears ass because Dubbya is the pain in the ass of the world! Thank you and good night!"
For those of you who think my art is cool, cute, gnarly, rad, alright, scary or needs improvement....thank you. you are the true people. You're the reason I keep at art.
what are some of your favorite cocktails? (I am putting together a drink menu for my bar and I need some new and unique drink ideas)
Love you all!
Why do people insist that my artwork be paired up with some bull-shit rambling about how the tree is a symbol of how my life shakes in my sleep or how the shattered glass represents time in a 20 foot yacht while waves splash against its hull. But, what gets me are these "fine art" buffs who take in that crap and use it to the artists disadvantage. "Oh, my apologies dear sir, your expression of the fallen leaves are a mere example of how one feels during a time of famine.......BLAH BLAH BLAH!" I on the other hand can say, "Uh.....I painted the teddy bear with its finger up its ass.....because.......I thought it would be funny to see a teddy bear with its finger up its ass!" or if some would like, my "fine arts" description, "The teddy bear, in fact represents the world. The world as a big fluffy teddy bear, harmless, inviting and yet full of things we have yet to see. The finger is a representation of the USA and Dubbya. It is being driven up the teddy bears ass because Dubbya is the pain in the ass of the world! Thank you and good night!"
For those of you who think my art is cool, cute, gnarly, rad, alright, scary or needs improvement....thank you. you are the true people. You're the reason I keep at art.
what are some of your favorite cocktails? (I am putting together a drink menu for my bar and I need some new and unique drink ideas)
Love you all!
i and everyone else i know are totally cool to hang out with. when we actually manage to find time in our busy busy schedules to hang out, anyway. which is like never.