So it's my last day in San Francisco. Yes, that's sad, but it does mean I get to go home to wonderful Colorado. I miss you Colorado and all you SGCO peeps
Yesterday was another great day with friends here in SF. thatmikeguy and I managed to make it out for breakfast by the crack of noon where we met up with miffy and Davel who I haven't seen since July of last year. I wish it was easier (cheaper) to come out here and visit on a regular basis. Anyhow, mike and I parted ways with miffy and Davel after breakfast and went for a nice long walk around town. We stopped by Lola's place of employment to say hi (what a sweetie). And later in the evening we went out for some amazing Brazilian BBQ. I'd been starving myself most of the day in anticipation. The hunger was well worth it
After that, it was off to the Cat Club to dance off that overstuffed feeling.

Yesterday was another great day with friends here in SF. thatmikeguy and I managed to make it out for breakfast by the crack of noon where we met up with miffy and Davel who I haven't seen since July of last year. I wish it was easier (cheaper) to come out here and visit on a regular basis. Anyhow, mike and I parted ways with miffy and Davel after breakfast and went for a nice long walk around town. We stopped by Lola's place of employment to say hi (what a sweetie). And later in the evening we went out for some amazing Brazilian BBQ. I'd been starving myself most of the day in anticipation. The hunger was well worth it

Good to see ya last night....

It was good to see you over the weekend.