I _LOVE_ it here. So this isn't a recent picture, but I was going through some of my digipics and thought I'd share this one. When I took this picture, I had JUST walked outside from work and could hardly believe the site before me. The mountain you see in the background is actually two different peaks. Yeah, this place is amazing

I _LOVE_ it here. So this isn't a recent picture, but I was going through some of my digipics and thought I'd share this one. When I took this picture, I had JUST walked outside from work and could hardly believe the site before me. The mountain you see in the background is actually two different peaks. Yeah, this place is amazing

I kept intending to respond to you while I was in Alabama, but couldn't get my damned VPN/VNC to work well enough to use my e-mail, and then forgot. I suck as usual.
I'll try to remember if I'm still concious at hour 42 (about when I'll probably get to leave)
time to start some sort of christmas party planning!