'Ad me a bo-peep over at Sailor n' Freds last night. Tossed back a few pig ears and went through about 20 toe-tags. Sailor was drinkin' nose n' chin but I can't touch the stuff. One tiddley wink and I'll be Moby. Pretty much just sat around watchin' the custard n' jelly and talkin'. We did get Sailor to play the electric game. But she is as chicken oriental as Fred. Although Fred still won't take one in the niagaras.
Was hopin' to get out to see some Jack the Rippers but I was low on bangers. 'Aven't been to a jack tar in a bit. I mostly wanted to go to see the SG's in town. But maybe anotha lemon & lime.
Next week I'll be over again for the read n' write. Should be fun. Just hope to leave wif me loaf of bread unpummeled as we seem to enjoy beatin' on each other lately.
Oh well...back to work. Need to turn in me linen drapers so I can get me bugs bunny. They already owe me 'bout a bag o' sand. $$$
Had to put this pic somewhere cause it makes me giggle.
Was hopin' to get out to see some Jack the Rippers but I was low on bangers. 'Aven't been to a jack tar in a bit. I mostly wanted to go to see the SG's in town. But maybe anotha lemon & lime.
Next week I'll be over again for the read n' write. Should be fun. Just hope to leave wif me loaf of bread unpummeled as we seem to enjoy beatin' on each other lately.
Oh well...back to work. Need to turn in me linen drapers so I can get me bugs bunny. They already owe me 'bout a bag o' sand. $$$

Had to put this pic somewhere cause it makes me giggle.