Still not too thrilled about jury duty. But I figure if it's too boring you'll be watching a new show on tv soon. It'll be called kinky in the courtroom!!! HAHA! I won't get picked.
Saw the ENT doc yesterday. Both of my ears are infected. Ick. But I've been having ear problems since I was six years old so I'm used to it. It'll be cleared up in a week I'm sure and then I'll be able to hear everyone again... which will serve me well while I'm bartending. For those who don't know, I work down in the French Quarter at a cute little joint called Cosimo's. You should come visit me.
Have a great day everyone!!!!! Mua!!!!
Saw the ENT doc yesterday. Both of my ears are infected. Ick. But I've been having ear problems since I was six years old so I'm used to it. It'll be cleared up in a week I'm sure and then I'll be able to hear everyone again... which will serve me well while I'm bartending. For those who don't know, I work down in the French Quarter at a cute little joint called Cosimo's. You should come visit me.
Have a great day everyone!!!!! Mua!!!!
Signature drink...hmmm. Do you want to go innocuous, like Long Island Iced Tea (who'd think it could kill you based on the name). There's suggestive, like Fuzzy Nipple. What does it mean? No one knows, but it makes underage kids blush to order one. Then there's advertising the brain damage, like a Zombie. Or there's explicit (Sex on the Beach) more explicit (Slippery Nipple) even MORE explicit (Orgasm) and MORE MORE explicit (Screaming Orgasm, Blow Job). Actually, I am not sure there's an end to that line of thought.
I am thinking (hoping) we can rule out the preppy jerk off stuff. I mean a Mohito might be the best drink ever made, but I'll never know because when some smarmy a-hole comes up and orders them - and it seems it is ALWAYS them, not "a Mohito" but at least 5 - I just feel the need to smash his face in so badly that I really can't ever bring myself to try one. I am damaged, right? And you and the BF always get 5 Mohitos and they ARE the best drink ever, right?
Anyway I think you should define the category as to where you want to go with the name, Though I DO tend to overthink some things.
Oh, I updated my blog. You were right, it was time, and yet it is soooo much less fun than my last one.