well i'm drunk
and it's great!!
to day i hung out with mike for a few hours during the day and then around six went over to by good friend stephs at which point we headed to the lcbo
we picked up some strawberrt zinphindel or however it's spelled and finnished off a bottle of that, now only slightly buzzed we decided to go to the beer store and picked up a 6 pack of hard lemonade to get throughly drunk. then we continued to discuse everything that came to mind. it's nice having a friend that you can spill your guts to. i had a friend from gr.4 to gr.10 that was like that but then she completely stabbed me in the back so i'm glad to have have had the oportunity to have found another, it's always great to have a confedant.
yesturday was miniputt which was great. for a while i didn't think it would happen since some people were late
anyhow my drunken mind os wamdering so i'll stop now

to day i hung out with mike for a few hours during the day and then around six went over to by good friend stephs at which point we headed to the lcbo

yesturday was miniputt which was great. for a while i didn't think it would happen since some people were late

at least i can say that from being up in canada a few times now i know what the lcbo is... otherwise i'd have to ask and look like a boob.