Guilty Pleasures? Trust me I have plenty! The two that give me the most guilt would be food and alcohol. I just cannot help myself! I've been working in the service industry for most of my life, and good food and booze have always been in my face. The only way to familiarize oneself with these two things is to consume them, so I guess I can justify it in that way. Sometimes I can get a bit excessive and find myself binging, lol, which is the real issue with either. Moderation is key, but I struggle because I am a bit of an extreme personality! I'm either all in, or just not there at all. To sum it up I'm either detoxing or I'm at the bar more nights than not.
Also, I would say my obsession with clothing/fashion. I am kind of a shopaholic, of course I can always justify my purchases, but I know deep down it is my bad consumer habits. Subconsciously I think I "need" these items, we have all been socially conditioned to exist in and support a consumer society. Even my iPad and iPhone are kind of guilty pleasures in a sense. I lose touch with reality and find myself in a virtual world, a self absorbed world. When really I could be talking to a person in real life, sitting right beside me.
What a trip. @rambo @missy