In Greek mythology Saturn embodies the "cosmic task-maker" or a kind of "Grim-reaper", and according to sun-sign astrology he presents us with endings, limitations, and father-time. Sun-sign astrologists suggest that the location of Saturn during a persons birth creates a lesson learning road map. Saturn takes approximately 29 years to orbit around the sun; the cycle of Saturn is one of growth and maturity.
Are you familiar with the myth of Saturn? He eats his children in order to keep Zeus from usurping his power.
Saturn reminds us to be humble in cases of success, and to maintain control of our lives. When Saturn completes his cycle from your birth, at approximately 29 years, he challenges that individual's existence and mortality. As we all know the mid-late twenties and early thirties are a time of: maturation, major life changes, changed perspectives, and anxiety of adulthood. Lately, I have felt like I am questioning my own state of being which is not necessarily a comfortable feeling. Last week I assured myself that things cannot get any worse, yet they did. Saturn is testing me at this time in my life; my relationship and my lifestyle.
I am afraid of getting old and being alone; society perpetuates this idea of waking up and having your shit together by the time your thirty. Honestly, I am far from where I want to be, but that is not a bad thing at all. How many people do you know that are in their mid twenties that actually have a career? A house? A spouse? Mid-late twenties/early thirties tends to be another phase of "coming to age", beyond the adolescence of teen years and young adulthood. I just have to make sure I choose the right path; currently I am at a fork in the road.
***notice how Nibbler photo bombs?