So, I spent a week in Atlanta. Let me say, first off, living in Humboldt has really made me an introvert. I met up with some old friends and let's just say that they are not (and probably never were) good people. I was very disappointed considering that I flew out here to make connections through them. At this point though, I am completely over it! I am a warrior and pushed through the rest of my journey solo. I think it's great when men try to control me, and by standing up for myself- guess what? I'm considered a crazy bitch. Well if that's what I am, so be it! No man will ever take advantage of or control me. I board my flight in Atlanta this evening and will be flying into Portland. Once in Oregon, I will be meeting up with one of my closest friends- she works with autistic children. I cannot wait to be around positive and accomplished individuals again! I have a ten hour layover, so that much time to spend with her. I fly back to CA in the early morning. So perfect, finally I can relax ✌️
@nikonphoto80 Thanks :)
@midnightrider454 so true, can't give a fuck about the negativity.