From my experience with live performances their visual show and stage presence ranks high. I admire The Flaming Lips for their strength and resilience through their struggles as band. If you happen to be a fan (and have not already seen it) you should definitely check out the documentary Fearless Freaks.
I have seen the Flaming Lips numerous times. Actually, the photos that I attached are from 2011 when I saw them in Atlanta at the Tabernacle. iPhones really do take kick ass pictures! The crowd energy varies from venue to venue. Of course I prefer West Coast venues, being from California and all. The audience has a much more enthusiastic vibe, and liberal attitude.
Oh, and I ate a burger today. I don't feel any guilt because it was a very Happy Cow (local/free range/hormone free). I am anemic, and have figured out that a portion of red meat every month is a necessity. Seriously, I turn in a Psycho-bitch-out-of-hell if I don't eat properly. Overall my diet is Pescatarian. For those of you who are unaware of this term, it means that the only meat I eat is seafood. My personal belief is that one should not eat an unhealthy domesticated animals. Especially if they are not to deal with the reality of/willing to slaughter, etc the animal themselves.
I have worked on a ranch, and let's just say I am very aware of what goes down. Also, I love to fish! I have caught Salmon and Halibut, and my dad taught me how to descale/fillet.
I am against animal cruelty, but I am also a realist. First world life, the way it exists now, cannot exist without animal cruelty. So if you enjoy your luxuries as a first world-er, just remember other animals (including people) are dying to support our lifestyles.
There is nothing wrong with eating meat when it is free rang, I think it is very healthy, if it isn't free rang then most of the health benefits is lost.
I don't think animal cruelty is necessary, if we we outlawed having animal caged up and maid everyone do free rang the animals would be happier and the people would be healthier.
I've never had the chance to see the Flaming Lips,
I do like what I've heard from them.