Yep! I changed my name to SkizzyK! I feel that this is my alter ego anyway. I can do anything I want, do naughty things and write anything I want without any qualms about it. I feel like I can hide behind her. She exudes confidence and courage and takes no bullshit from anyone. Especially the NO BULLSHIT! I made this name up when I was blogging earlier this spring when I was all hyped up on prescription Ketamine and getting PUNKED off my ass off of it and any other pills I was taking! It was funny and the blogs were funny because a lot of it I didn't remember writing and then the next day I would read them and say OMFG! Did I really write that?! But I had to take them down due to some of my family using them against me for their own personal gains. PUNK ASS BIOTCHES! All I can say is who are they to judge me and my habits when they were doing the same thing when they were taking handfuls of my pills too. FUCKIN BIOTCHES! Needless to say, I'm not talking to that side of the family anymore. Who needs that shit? Not me that's for sure! They're all drug addicts and alcoholics too so who are they to judge me? Fuck em! At least I was taking the prescribed amount. Getting PUNKED was a nice side effect for me. They were just taking handfuls of pills from me. Now I only get PUNKED on special occasions like on Friday at the Dead Twins concert when I took a cocktail. Everyone has their vices. So what? Does that make me a bad person? I think not. Maybe sick...but not bad. Everyone knows I'm fucking crazy anyway. But, I'm told that makes me interesting. That's the first time anyone has told me that and I liked it. For the first time, it was something positive. Thanks, friend! Most people just laugh and say "RIIIIIGHT!" Wink. Wink. I just say "Right, certifiable!" Wink. Wink.
So we'll see if you see a change in SkizzyK. She is the person that I want to become. She is the person I strive to be. I want to be just like her when I grow up. I need a change desperately. I feel stuck in a rut. So we'll see. We'll see.
So we'll see if you see a change in SkizzyK. She is the person that I want to become. She is the person I strive to be. I want to be just like her when I grow up. I need a change desperately. I feel stuck in a rut. So we'll see. We'll see.
I am glad to hear that you had fun lastnight. I wish I was having fun. I haven't had much fun lately.
OK Honey have a wonderful day.