So what's good in the hood?
Well, I hit a wall while I was in class yesterday. A vendingmachine ate $2 while I was trying to get a soda and it just shattered me. It wasn't the $2, it was just that last little thing that went wrong. Earlier in the day the ex started blowing me up on fb about my saying the previous month had been a mess, and of course while I was talking more generally about the car accident, the license renewal issues, the fact that there was a break up, the VA not paying me on time, and stuff that, she felt like I was putting her on blast, which, given that in no public forum (other than here on my SG blog) have I posted anything about her lying, cheating, etc... I was kinda thrown off by. None of our mutual friends are here on SG, and it's not like I've blown up fb, twitter, IG, etc... in fact I did the opposite, I told people NOT to even bring anything up, we broke up and leave it at that. I spent the rest of the class in kind've a shut down mode.
Then I went to hang out with a girl who has been mostly on online friend just due to our conflicting schedules. I think she's cool, and would've been interested in seeing if anything could've developed in the future, but I think I'm kinda friendzoned at the moment. Ah well, not really a loss cuz she's still a good friend. She's going to be helping me with some of my prep-work for my match in a few weeks... more on that to come later
In better news- I've got tickets to go see P!nk in November, which I'm wicked excited about, I hear she puts on an amazing performance.
Also in better news- one of the coolest sweetest people I met when I was in AZ last year Bitten has a new set up for review Check it out here with another gorgeous SG Drave and you should all go show them some love! Seriously, this set is gorgeous, and I'd say that even if I didn't know one of the people in it!
To cap it all off I'm gonna leave you with the new Rolling Stones video ft/ Noomi Rapace from the Sweedish version of GWTDT- it's batshit crazy and hot and reminds me why I still totally dig the Stones even well in to their old age, they still totally bring it!
Oh, and WrestleMania is this weekend! Stoked to watch it with the boys...
That's it for me.
Well, I hit a wall while I was in class yesterday. A vendingmachine ate $2 while I was trying to get a soda and it just shattered me. It wasn't the $2, it was just that last little thing that went wrong. Earlier in the day the ex started blowing me up on fb about my saying the previous month had been a mess, and of course while I was talking more generally about the car accident, the license renewal issues, the fact that there was a break up, the VA not paying me on time, and stuff that, she felt like I was putting her on blast, which, given that in no public forum (other than here on my SG blog) have I posted anything about her lying, cheating, etc... I was kinda thrown off by. None of our mutual friends are here on SG, and it's not like I've blown up fb, twitter, IG, etc... in fact I did the opposite, I told people NOT to even bring anything up, we broke up and leave it at that. I spent the rest of the class in kind've a shut down mode.
Then I went to hang out with a girl who has been mostly on online friend just due to our conflicting schedules. I think she's cool, and would've been interested in seeing if anything could've developed in the future, but I think I'm kinda friendzoned at the moment. Ah well, not really a loss cuz she's still a good friend. She's going to be helping me with some of my prep-work for my match in a few weeks... more on that to come later

In better news- I've got tickets to go see P!nk in November, which I'm wicked excited about, I hear she puts on an amazing performance.
Also in better news- one of the coolest sweetest people I met when I was in AZ last year Bitten has a new set up for review Check it out here with another gorgeous SG Drave and you should all go show them some love! Seriously, this set is gorgeous, and I'd say that even if I didn't know one of the people in it!
To cap it all off I'm gonna leave you with the new Rolling Stones video ft/ Noomi Rapace from the Sweedish version of GWTDT- it's batshit crazy and hot and reminds me why I still totally dig the Stones even well in to their old age, they still totally bring it!
Oh, and WrestleMania is this weekend! Stoked to watch it with the boys...
That's it for me.
Sorry about the ex, I know how messy breakups can be even when it's ended on good terms so I can only imagine how much this is bothering you bud
I'm not sure why I'm down. I think that's what makes it worse. If I could pin it down to one thing I could at least try to deal with it but now I'm just uggghhhhh
Thanks for asking though, I really appreciate it
All the best, I hope things work out for you!