Saturday I took part (after being part of the months long planning process) in the Take Back The Night rally in my area for survivors of domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual assault. I've been working in the field of those issues for a while now, and to finally get to see the event come together was outstanding. Unfortunately- the weather worked against us, it...
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i love the fact that you are switching roles... i'm going to be harley quinn myself this'll have to send me pics :P
People care about sensationalism unless there's some gimmick that can be spread like quick fire over all social media sites than yes it is difficult to raise awareness outside of your immediate circle of friends/family. either way i wish you luck.
I'm here at the behest of a friend who dropped off of all other social networking sites.
My account expires in 8 months and I'm going to let it. While I've met good people through the site, the redesign has never appealed to me and it's been enough to drive me to do most of my social stuff elsewhere. ig and fb are my main...
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lol i doubt you would have been able to run to the airport to say hello. It was a quicky.
I really worry about it at times though because the career I plan to pursue I would be working in rehabilitation clinics, a hospital or a school...and i do not want my tattoos to hold me back whatsoever from advancing in my field. I'm thinking about getting my wrist tattoo removed due to this constant worry...even though i love it ;/. In a way i'd just feel safer that way...and not have to end up wearing long sleeve shirts year round. Still have my half sleeve though on my left arm so I'd be wearing 3/4 length shirts which is an improvement. Who knows maybe I will happen to work for an amazing employer who does not care (most likely not in the state I currently live in) that's for sure.
Happy Days!
hey there :)
So, I recently discovered Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra's over of Nirvana's Polly and it is one of the most unsettling songs/videos I've heard/seen in a while (fitting given the subject matter) so it sent me in search of some of my other favorite Nirvana covers...
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Sometimes we all need a little reminder...
"The World is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round, and it has thrills and chills and is very brightly colored, and it's very loud. And it's fun,...
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"The World is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round, and it has thrills and chills and is very brightly colored, and it's very loud. And it's fun,...
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Sometimes life has to balance the good with the bad. In this case- I've been riding high on such a wave of good... that some bad just had to be waiting around the corner.
That said- I was in a car accident this past sunday. I'm still sketchy on the details of what happened, but I'm alive and relatively well. My car is trashed, but...
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That said- I was in a car accident this past sunday. I'm still sketchy on the details of what happened, but I'm alive and relatively well. My car is trashed, but...
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Oh man, sorry to hear about your car accident! People in Illinois need to learn how to drive.
Man oh man has my life been crazy busy and full of awesome!
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Oooh used for sex... Sometimes that can be good. Depends on the person who used ya lol
Looks like you had such a blast!!! Last concert I attended was Mayhem Fest. Once again fun times!
Looks like you had such a blast!!! Last concert I attended was Mayhem Fest. Once again fun times!
i would love to see her. i didn't know she was touring. i will have to see if she is coming here. i was listening to Hole Live Through this on my drive to LA just recently.
I was thinking she's got her shit together now. I don't know a whole lot about her other than she was hosting some countdown on Sirius 90's on 9. She did a good job and told interesting stories.