Job interview was for shite. Ah well, alia iacta est.
Tonight is Pete's b-day so I'm gonna go see a flick with him. But I really wanna call The Dulcinea for a booty call. If I keep ogling DebraJean, I'll soon be found jacking off like that guy a couple cells down from Hannibal Lector.
I watched Outfoxed today. Bill O'Reilly must be stopped. I don't understand how Stevie can watch that shit. He needs to be paraded naked down the street so everyone can smack his peepee with a twig. (I think that was part of a Roman festival - don't quote me on that, though.)
I also got a haircut today from Paul the One-Eyed Conservative Barber. He's funny. Owns about a dozen guns, hates all non-WASPs, etc. He had some Xtian TV station on today which was fucking hilarious. Why do I go to him to cut my coif? It's just too much fun arguing with him. Then again, he does have scissors.
Tonight is Pete's b-day so I'm gonna go see a flick with him. But I really wanna call The Dulcinea for a booty call. If I keep ogling DebraJean, I'll soon be found jacking off like that guy a couple cells down from Hannibal Lector.
I watched Outfoxed today. Bill O'Reilly must be stopped. I don't understand how Stevie can watch that shit. He needs to be paraded naked down the street so everyone can smack his peepee with a twig. (I think that was part of a Roman festival - don't quote me on that, though.)
I also got a haircut today from Paul the One-Eyed Conservative Barber. He's funny. Owns about a dozen guns, hates all non-WASPs, etc. He had some Xtian TV station on today which was fucking hilarious. Why do I go to him to cut my coif? It's just too much fun arguing with him. Then again, he does have scissors.
haha very funny. i'll have to dig out some of those pom pictures. can you believe i had a spiral perm?