Doesnt A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush sound a bit like Orwellian doublespeak? In other words, if you vote for a candidate that represents the concerns and values that we both share, youre actually voting for the candidate that does not represent these things.

If youre going to say that a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush, then also follow-up...
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i think i'll worry about my conscience in 2008. i don't like Kerry but i'm not going to waste my vote on Nader either as much as admire what he stands for. and that's what it would be...a waste. he isn't going to win no matter how many of the "progressives" vote for him. sorry to sound negative but let's be realistic. all i care about right now is getting Bush out of office by any means possible. even if that means setting aside my personal ideals because, lets face it... there are more important things at stake right now.

no offense. love

...feel free to give me the business (as Wally would've said)

[Edited on Aug 09, 2004 9:27AM]
But why doesn't he run for Senator? Or governor? I feel like he's asking for too much right now. Grass roots should be just that. Start at the local level, change some minds, and move on up!

My summer's lookin' pretty clear. You tell me when, I'll show up for duty on the USS TipSEA. Aye aye cap'n!
Job interview was for shite. Ah well, alia iacta est.
Tonight is Pete's b-day so I'm gonna go see a flick with him. But I really wanna call The Dulcinea for a booty call. If I keep ogling DebraJean, I'll soon be found jacking off like that guy a couple cells down from Hannibal Lector.

I watched Outfoxed today. Bill O'Reilly must be stopped....
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haha very funny. i'll have to dig out some of those pom pictures. can you believe i had a spiral perm?

DebraJean should be my lover
She's just a girl who claims that
skippy_ am the one
hahahahahahaha..... what a hoot!

for some reason the ol' "come to butthead" line popped into my head. oink

i don't know where i come up with this craziness.
I'm diggin' this Marlowe but, Christ, is it that hard to use autofocus?

Work approached terminally boring today. I spent much of it listening to interviews with Paul Krugman & Greg Palast.

Went over to a friend's place yesterday to copy an Outfoxed DVD. It took ages since he has an old PC with a USB 1.1 port. So we headed out to a Mexican...
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Thank fuck the weekend is here.

Work was really slow today so I finished reading Greg Palast's The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Holy fuck, did that piss me off. While I don't have kids, it really made me wonder what kind of world my friends' kids are going to inherit.

Christ am I sick and tired of seeing speeches from the Democratic Convention. Why...
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Well thats what you get if you don't come around once in awhile. We start talking trash about you!

We'll discuss a good weekend for TipSea turvy time. Heh.
You've gotta love PBS. I'm watching Frontline...online. Just finished watching an episode on plea bargaining. Squire: whas up wit dat? Now I'm watching one on dieting.

They're talking about the Atkins diet or however you spell it. One of my roomies is on it. Here's a woman who's lost a buncha weight. It'll be interesting how well her ticker holds up.

My birthday was amusing....
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Not having been laid in a week and eyeing up this Seda chickie...

Work is done and the weekend is here! A man should be here to bring me some cash soon.

I've been proofreading ebook copies of Bill Maher's When You Ride Alone and Mike Moore's Dude Where's My Country. They're enough to piss off the Pope.

For some reason, I agreed to see...
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Happy birthday!
happy birthday sweet potato!
Ah, Squire - I've got an REM show from '89 playing right now.

Weekend was fun. Andy bought a couple jet skis so I got to cruise around the lake on the boat as well as a jet ski. Never having ridden one before, it was a fucking blast to zip around at 50 MPH - tempting Fate. Went and had dinner afterwards. Next morning,...
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could you like, define what Dulcinea actually means cuz i'm too goddamn lazy and drunk right now to look it up

love ya kiss
Ah, another weekend.

I made me some Ethiopian lentil salad and have a Black Velvet cheesecake to make. Tomorrow I'll be going to the Farmer's Market, then to fix a PC followed by some time out on the party barge until evening. From there it's off to the cinema to see Monty Python's Life of Brian on the big screen.

The Dulcinea will be boating...
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I love REM's version of that song.

Ah the farmer's market. I'll have to go this year sometime.
Jinkies! It's been a long time!

I'm peeved because TechTV got bought out by some company and it seems like they 86'd Morgan and Cat! What the fuck?!? How techie chicks - a wet dream for geeks like me. Hopefully they were replaced with equally hot hotties.

I just wanna say that Hera is a hottie. Not only does she overflow with pulchritude but she...
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Totally. That Hera set was fan-friggin-tastic. Hot Hot Hot.

Fuck you and yer zydeco music. Clifton Chenier can kiss my ass. Actually I don't mind the stuff, but after a while I go nuts with the bouncy accordions and whatnot.

Speaking of asses, looks like yours is gonna have a swinging door installed. Heh. "Super size me." Thats fuckin' hilarious.

Sorry I couldn't make it to yer par-tay. Family obligations and whatnot. How's that pontoon boat?
dallying with hera. i hear ya.

i was supposed to camp on the wisconsin river and all but the weather sucked so we ended up in Wautoma which was just fine with me. toities and all. biggrin
Feet hurting...

Landed a contract gig at CUNA Mutual. Boring Sidney, very boring. But the pay is OK. Lots of hot office drone chickies.

Dinner tonight with fraulein. She agreed on Jamaican. Jerk porky goodnes in an hour!

Chicago this weekend and the bash next. Right now, I'd like to just read a book.
newton photo. i lurve that guy. too bad he's dead.

Power strip. Must buy power strip. And condoms too.

The weekend was pretty good. I saw that Riddick flick on Friday night with a friend whom I hadn't seen in many months, if not a year. Some amusing bits but a pretty horrible flick. What the fuck was Dame Dench thinking? I spent Saturday afternoon with a fraulein. We ended up getting all sweaty on...
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way to go with the sex and all. condoms = frown
Condoms and power srips don't mix!