Wow, has really been almost three weeks since I posted last? My goodness time flies.
Been on travel a little bit. Headed out to TX for a conference. Then, found out that I have two more conferences: San Antonio and Austin. What is it? Did TX win some bid that said all conferences must be here or something?
But, the nice thing is that i might get a chance to visit my friend that retired a few years ago when I get to San Antonio. She lives about 30 minutes from there. But it makes for a crazy busy June. There's two conferences, my nephew's graduation, a cousin's graduation, a friend's bday party (he and his family have been living in MA for the last three years), and a major D&D gaming session. Next thing I know it'll be July
How is that the older you get, the faster time goes???
Today is laundry, clean house, and mow the lawn day. Lawn is a maybe. It's been raining like a MF, and it's super tall. I may have to end up cutting it twice - once to get it to a reasonable level and once to actually cut it. Don't think I'll get there today, but gotta get to the nursery to grab some more snap dragons. The ones I have in the flower garden now are about 3 years old. They just keep blooming and blooming and blooming... They look great through
I hope everyone has a great week. I know a few of my friends out on the left coast have been having a rough time this past week/month
I hope things turn around for them. I keep sending them positive vibes, hopefully it helps. Ciao all.
Been on travel a little bit. Headed out to TX for a conference. Then, found out that I have two more conferences: San Antonio and Austin. What is it? Did TX win some bid that said all conferences must be here or something?
But, the nice thing is that i might get a chance to visit my friend that retired a few years ago when I get to San Antonio. She lives about 30 minutes from there. But it makes for a crazy busy June. There's two conferences, my nephew's graduation, a cousin's graduation, a friend's bday party (he and his family have been living in MA for the last three years), and a major D&D gaming session. Next thing I know it'll be July

How is that the older you get, the faster time goes???
Today is laundry, clean house, and mow the lawn day. Lawn is a maybe. It's been raining like a MF, and it's super tall. I may have to end up cutting it twice - once to get it to a reasonable level and once to actually cut it. Don't think I'll get there today, but gotta get to the nursery to grab some more snap dragons. The ones I have in the flower garden now are about 3 years old. They just keep blooming and blooming and blooming... They look great through

I hope everyone has a great week. I know a few of my friends out on the left coast have been having a rough time this past week/month

Yeah I love that movie. I watched it again about a dozen times this weekend already. LOL.
Thank you for the sweet comments on my new blog, I see you have been a busy bee.......and Congrats to your nephew on graduation.....I'm back so message me anytime
kisses and hugs 4 you XOXOXOX