I survived the trip to CO. You know... it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In fact you might say that I actually had a good time (at times). However I missed all the elements of home. Even though I was having fun there... I would have had even more fun here.
I got to impress my mom on several occasions on home fast I can actually drink a Crown and coke. I'm pretty confident that it takes me less then 5secs to do so... and I'll put down 2-3 in less then 20secs.
Does this mean I have a problem?
Breckenridge was a pretty cool little town. I was worried at first. Pretty much the rest of CO is a bunch of ugly people that look like the missing link. Then I get to Breck and all of the sudden money changes people into looking normal again. In FACT if I was a normal guy that fuct anything that moved, you might say that there were a few that I would have considered nailing... But I'm not.
I spent about $70 on usless things to give to people. Most of which are set aside for Melissa and Zoe. Things are rather interesting on that front. In a way I kinda want to leave it alone. I'm stable with where things are at. Would I like them to sway one way or the other?
Well sure I would... but right now I'm not going to press my luck and hit a whamy. I'd actually just like to stay calm and not over think everything like I often do.
There was a momment while I was in CO that I started flipping out. I use this (SG) as a way for me to vent my frustrations and concerns. In a way it's my tharepy that I used to spend $100 a month on. So when I didn't have a place to vent I started to go nutz. I eventually worked things out but for a second I felt like my stomach was going to turn inside out.
So now I'm sitting here on a Weds night tired out of my gord. Wondering should I go to work tomorrow? I don't know... But I do know that I have a ton of things that I could do tomorrow. And I have to print up the flyers before I go to Perv tomorrow.
I got to impress my mom on several occasions on home fast I can actually drink a Crown and coke. I'm pretty confident that it takes me less then 5secs to do so... and I'll put down 2-3 in less then 20secs.
Does this mean I have a problem?
Breckenridge was a pretty cool little town. I was worried at first. Pretty much the rest of CO is a bunch of ugly people that look like the missing link. Then I get to Breck and all of the sudden money changes people into looking normal again. In FACT if I was a normal guy that fuct anything that moved, you might say that there were a few that I would have considered nailing... But I'm not.
I spent about $70 on usless things to give to people. Most of which are set aside for Melissa and Zoe. Things are rather interesting on that front. In a way I kinda want to leave it alone. I'm stable with where things are at. Would I like them to sway one way or the other?
Well sure I would... but right now I'm not going to press my luck and hit a whamy. I'd actually just like to stay calm and not over think everything like I often do.
There was a momment while I was in CO that I started flipping out. I use this (SG) as a way for me to vent my frustrations and concerns. In a way it's my tharepy that I used to spend $100 a month on. So when I didn't have a place to vent I started to go nutz. I eventually worked things out but for a second I felt like my stomach was going to turn inside out.
So now I'm sitting here on a Weds night tired out of my gord. Wondering should I go to work tomorrow? I don't know... But I do know that I have a ton of things that I could do tomorrow. And I have to print up the flyers before I go to Perv tomorrow.