well i went for my ride this weekend. i rode my motorcyle up with 3 other bikes and 2 cars i stayed the night and everyone else dipped saturday night. im on my way to dinner saturday night and we get a phone call that one of our friends crashed his bike in the hills
on his way home, he was ina right turn that went left right after it and he didnt corner quick enough and went head first into a rock and rolled for a bit. good news is hes ok he cracked his helmet in the middle, separated his shoulder, and got some road rash no biggy. one of the other bikes was right in front of him so he saw him go down and a truck picked em up and took em to the closest town. we all wear jackets and pants when we ride so that was a good thing. our jackets are meant to keep us together when we fall thank god but now i realize how crazy riding bikes are but i love em and i will never stop but i do knwo how dangerous it is for sure

Glad your friend is okay. Bikes are dangerous, but fun as hell. When I was little my dad used to have Harleys. Actually, I have a picture of me on one when I was little. The picture quality sucks because it was taken a good 10 years ago, the bike was really nice. It kind of looks like shit in this picture.
But, you get the idea. Yeah, I'm the red head with those fun glasses and velcro shoes and super bangs. Got to love the early 90's. Damn it feels good to be a gangster.

be safe!