OMG im going fucking ballistic i cant fucking concentrate im irritated with everything right now i swear ill kill soembody if they fuck with me right now i dont knw what to do with my life right now im torn betwwen family and friends and what would make me happy but its not an easy answer because whatever i choose fucks me up no matter what and will rock my whole damn life for awhile i cant deal with shit i wish i could just dissapear for a couple days to the coast....... fuck it i think iwill i think im gonna just take off for a day or so and just deal with my own shit
<3 Calm down! I hope your trip helps you relax. 

Hey you need to take a day off. I don't know you, but I do know life sucks. People suck. Family definitely sucks ass. But, here's something to cheer you up. Check out my pussy.