well i got my motorcycle a couple days ago its big and yellow like big bird. its been sitting for awhile so i spent like 4 hours to get it running and now the battery went out so i had to buy a new one. that sucked i went to like 3 stores before i finally found the right one. only $42.
so i filled it and its charging right now untill 11 and then i get to ride it when i get off work tomrow. it needs tags and registration but im a rebel and im gonna ride it to my friends house. im gonna try and buy another bike this summer but this one will do for right now its decently fast its a 750cc four cylinder CB750. but i want one of dem fancy crotch rockets. oh and when i went to kragens on wednesday i broke the credit card thingy and i got my stuff for free lol
well im tired so laters

be careful. at least its yellow so thats a good thing.